Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Minicast 1: Heroes

The first of a series of mini-podcasts, or "minicasts". This minicast topic: The return of "Heroes"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Emmy Contest Details!

Here's the scoop. Send me an e-mail at abonetopick@gmail.com with your choices for the winners of the Emmy award in the 10 major categories:

Outstanding Comedy Series
Actor - Comedy Series
Actress - Comedy Series
Supporting Actor - Comedy Series
Supporting Actress - Comedy Series

Outstanding Drama Series
Actor - Drama Series
Actress - Drama Series
Supporting Actor - Drama Series
Supporting Actress - Drama Series

And for a tiebreaker: How many Primetime Emmys (of all categories in Primetime) will be won by HBO?

If you need a refresher on who the nominees are, you can go here: or Google for 2008 Emmy nominees.

You have until 11:59 pm EST, September 20, 2008 to send me your ballot. The prize is currently undetermined, so send me your suggestions for that too!

Good luck!

Episode 5

American Idol gets a 4th judge, what's coming up for fall TV, Wil Wheaton shows us that he's more than "Just a Geek", and when are you too old for birthday parties? Plus: An Emmy Contest!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Episode 4

A look back at 2 weeks of Olympics coverage on NBC, John Grisham writes a legal thriller with heart in "The Street Lawyer", and the overuse of the word ironic. Now featuring iTunes searchability and art!

Guardian Article: The Final Irony

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Episode 3

This week: Part 2 of the Emmy discussion, Anthony Bourdain talks about restaurants' dirty little secrets in "Kitchen Confidential", and the perils of furniture shopping with an engineer. Actually, the perils of shopping with engineers in general.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Episode 2

The long-awaited Episode 2! Featuring Emmy nomination discussion, a look at Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash", and is it a bad thing to want to have minions?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Episode 1

It's the first podcast! After the introductions, I talk about "Hell's Kitchen" on FOX, "Reality Show: Inside the Last Great Television News War" by Howard Kurtz, and my problem with libraries.